I was romantically interested in two very different people and was unsure who I should be with. When Mark asked his Heaven team to complete a CQ for me and each person, it was immediately clear which one was the most compatible with me. I'm very pleased with the result!
Kam, Oregon
Compatibility Quotient (CQ)
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Your spiritual compatability quotient isn't Mark's opinion. It goes beyond that. Way beyond.
About this service
The CQ represents the overall potential compatibility for a proposed or existing partnership, at this time, from the viewpoint of Spirit. CQ is a number from 0-100 which Mark receives in consultation with his Heaven team. The greater the number given, the greater the potential for a relationship to be filled with harmony, peace and love.
Unlike classic grading structures, the CQ is not a measure of success or failure. Rather it is simply an indicator of the status of the relationship at this current time. CQs can and do change over time, reflecting subsequent internal spiritual growth work, both in relationships and in individuals.
For example, a CQ score of 33 does not necessarily indicate that a relationship is likely to fail, but it suggests there is significant work to be accomplished to ensure the relationship becomes a meaningful and enduring one. Relationships are, of course, built and created over time.
Conversely, a score of 88 does not necessarily indicate that a relationship is destined to be an automatic success. Efforts to cultivate, and deepen a relationship are a necessity for any relationship to become meaningful and enduring.
What you get
- A graphical report that details the CQ of you and your partner or potential partner.
- An Interpretation Guide to help frame and better understand your results.
Why would I buy this Service?
Find out the real potential of the match provided by your dating service.
Learn if you should go deeper with the person you're with.
Know how you should respond to a request by your partner for a deeper commitment.
Find out if you should agree to an engagement proposal.
If you're engaged, find out if you should follow through with marriage.
Learn if you should agree to go steady or become exclusive with someone.
If you're interested in someone, find out what Heaven thinks of the future potential before starting or investing further in the relationship.