Mark's Story
Mark Allen Goodman is an intuitive practitioner who has been drawing upon his gifts over the last thirty years, to be in service to those on a spiritual growth path. Mark has brought healing and hope to hundreds of clients from around the world as they seek clarity on their personal journeys of discovery.
Some refer to Mark as an oracle. Others speak of his ability to provide a cosmic perspective, with calming reassurance, that encourages forward progress, which is nothing short of life-altering.
Mark feels deep oneness with the Infinite Creator of all that is. Mark often refers to this as God, a God who is the essence of what makes us unique and remarkable individuals in our own right. As Mark often says, “God loves us already--no matter what”. Mark is moved to do his spiritual work as someone that God has gifted with the ability to support people to connect to their own divine guidance. Mark says, “this endeavor brings me tremendous joy as I experience being used as an instrument of Heaven in service to others.”
Mark is able to see and hear spiritually into the soul of his clients. This extraordinary ability is shared in the most non-judgmental of ways, bringing love and light into their lives. Without a doubt in anyone’s mind who has experienced Mark’s work, he is absolutely the real deal.
Born and raised in San Francisco, Mark experienced from a young age that his spiritual senses and intuition were quite acute. He had an ability to feel the energy of people and places around him in a deep and visceral way. This was, at times overwhelming and challenging. In his teens, Mark was deeply compelled to begin a committed spiritual journey. Mark began a monastic life, and immersed himself in study and meditation. During that time Mark’s spiritual senses continued to develop. Mark experienced considerable successes and failures, but continued to be guided by Heaven on an extraordinary spiritual growth journey. Along the way, much to his surprise, many spiritual healing modalities were revealed to him directly. This ultimately led Mark to start what would become a successful spiritual healing practice. The remarkable and encouraging positive feedback from his clients made it clear to Mark that he was indeed being used by Heaven.
Mark continues the journey of sharing his spiritual gifts with the World with the creation of this new and exciting relationship support service: Soul2Soul.